
The Lands of Loor

Created by The Lands of Loor

The Lands of Loor is a standalone fantasy tabletop role-playing game set in the weird post-apocalyptic world. After the successful campaign on Kickstarter during the ZineQuest 4, our game is finally available for all to Pre-order! Check out the special offer for all of those who missed our initial campaign and be one of the first to venture into these doomed lands...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First Expansion unlocked: FRIZENLAND!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 01:31:44 PM

Hi! We have great news for you! You have unlocked the first of the three bonus expansions for our game. (yeah!) We call them Land Supplements. These are mini-settings within our world, The Loor. 

You will get every unlocked expansion as an extra reward for your support during this campaign. 

Frizenland, like the other two, will include a new area to explore, travel across, and set your story in. It will also contain: one extra playable race, additional mechanics, local enemies, a short adventure, new random tables, and more. We want it to be a small, separate, but abundant zine with its own cover art & illustrations made by Łukasz Piwińśki

Concepts of Frizenland landscapes

Frizenland is a place of ice and vast, barren landscapes. It is one of the harshest and most uninhabitable regions of all. However, this is not a problem for local species and races that have adapted to those lethal conditions. Those are, inter alia, Tuskors (Walrus tribes) and Aktarii (Birdfolk of Glacier Coasts). Breeds to which expanses of Frizenland are their beloved home. 

Early concepts of Tuskors

Tuskors are the nomadic people of Frizenland. Their way of life is dedicated to the Eternal Journey. They ride on large and furry creatures called schaferpillars and rest only where their sacred plant blooms. It's one of the very few that can grow on this icy surface. It was named Emberia. They camp around the plant for weeks, sometimes even for months. They nurture it and help its enormous Ember fruits to get under the layer of ancient ice and forgotten cities, straight to the life-giving magma pockets. Thanks to the high temperature of the fruit, it melts thick ice and descends mostly by itself.

(Art made by Xonn)

There are several Walrus tribes across this land. Some of them are peaceful and some of them are not. Their everyday life is not blissful. Tuskors depend on this harsh land and respect everything it offers. Thanks to a rigid approach to tradition and strong social bonds they have managed to survive to this day. Among the tribes, there are rumours of the Great Clams waiting for their prey under the snow. According to these stories, some are the size of mountains. Who knows how many of the frozen crests are just tips of gargantuan shells, covered in ice? 

Traditional Tuskor weapons

Aktarii's broods, on the other hand, occupy softer coastline areas of Frizenland. Their habits are inspired by Sarmatian culture from Central Europe. This Birdfolk species is territorial and quite expansive. They often use enslaved Tuskors to do the hard work. Aktarii feed mainly on fish, but they will not spurn the flesh of other creatures as well. They are masters of ambushes and can move quickly in difficult weather, which makes them formidable opponents.

Aktarii is another kind of Birdfolk species of LOOR

Tuskors are brave, and persistent in their way of life. Extraordinary physical resistance and internal stubbornness are prevalent among these species. Tuskor's skin is hard and thick. It protects them from severe winds and other Frizenland phenomena. Every three years, in deep Frizenland, there is an inexplicable anomaly - The Black Blizzard. During that time darkness veils the sky and icy shards whip the ground. As for any foreign species; exposed and unaccustomed tissue burns away in the most painful of ways. That is why Frizenland is not a favourable place to live. But, beneath the frozen strata, the old trove slumbers. Tuskors aim to find it, assemble it, and barter it for materials most lacking in the wasteland. Merchants from all surrounding lands, from time to time, venture here to make lucrative trades. The temptation for profit is often greater than the fear of the unknown...

Frizenland hides many secrets to discover. Are you ready to travel its frosty landscapes? Remember: it's hard to survive here all alone. Prepare well. 

For now, that is all. We hope that you will love this expansion (as we do!) and that it will bring a breath of fresh air to your RPG adventures in fantasy worlds. 

Let us know what you think! 

...and check out the artists, who helped us with concept arts:

WE DID IT! 1000% - Special update!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 09, 2022 at 12:10:32 PM

This is incredible folks! Thank you for your great support and belief in our project! Have no words.

We would like to talk about the next goal (hex map), which is so close at this moment, but we will leave it for the next update. (it's right around the corner!)

Today we want to focus more on cool things around, other ZineQuest projects that are created with passion. I have made a list of interesting campaigns that are currently rising funds, simultaneously to ours.

I hope that you will find something just for you. Let's spread some hype! 

 The Scourge of Northland:

The Scourge of Northland is a low-level adventure campaign designed for use with Old-School Essentials or your favorite OSR ruleset.

This seems to be a rich and magnificent module for your OSE sessions. Just look at the art! 

 Worldbreaker / Dark Tides of Zaratos:

Both Zaratos and WORLDBREAKER are being developed for Old-School Essentials (compatible with nearly all OSR-style retroclone games) foremost and then converted to the 5th edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.

Another two great OSE settings with such cool art (one of them is illustrated by our artist, Łukasz Piwiński). This time 5E variants are also a thing! 

One Breath Left:

Explore procedurally generated spaceships in this solo-journaling sci-fi survival horror game. Debuting for ZineQuest4.

Interested in a solo sci-fi horror RPG? There are randomly generated wrecks to explore. No more questions needed for me.

A Torch in the Dark:

A Torch in the Dark is a single player dungeon crawling tabletop role playing game. Using a variation of John Harper's Blades in the Dark rules, players quickly generate characters with unique skills and items. As you delve you use your creativity and limited resources to overcome over a hundred encounters, randomly generated from 9 unique dungeon locations.

Chance of getting a physical copy of the quite cool and interesting solo game, previously released in 2020. Now upgraded! 

Lo! Thy Dread Empire:

Lo! Thy Dread Empire is a narrative wargame and tactical role-play game where you fight The Skeleton War against The Death Cult of Capitalism!

It takes wargames in the Blanchitsu/grimdark/28 aesthetic and fuses them with modern tabletop RPG sensibilities. The result puts you in command of sweeping, nail-biting battles where the rules and narrative work together in harmony.

If you want to introduce a more tactical approach mechanically based on tokens to your dark campaigns, definitely check it out! 

One-Hour RPG: The City Watch:

Ten exciting & surprising low level 5e adventures for new and experienced GMs and players, each playable in under an hour.

I love the idea! All of us suffer from a lack of time these days, unfortunately.

BIG SWORD: Graves & Groves:

A DCC RPG Zine with dense and concise rules to generate unique vampires to survive wilderness hex crawls, play as new classes, and more!

If you like DCC, don't think twice! This volume focuses on the Undead and Nature and introduces a Treefolk Class.

A Shadow over Odir:

A colourful eldritch quest for Fifth Edition. Chase the Scourge, reveal the island's mysteries and challenge your own humanity.

Seems to be an interesting and aquatic-focused adventure for 5E. A nice break from hackneyed topics.

 Worldlings: Tales of Tiny Gods:

A bestiary of quirky animistic gods wrapped in a mystery generator at the edge of civilization.

Designed for 5E, Cairn, and Into the ODD, what a nice module.

 NOTORIOUS, a solo RPG zine:

Play to tell stories of the Nomads; notorious bounty hunters who strike fear among the scum and villainy of the universe and follow the dubious code of the Nomad's Guild.

Straight from the creator of The Last Sentinels: a mecha RPG zine to your hands. Looks cool!


A 62-page PDF module for DnD 5e, Old School Essentials (OSE) & OSR fantasy TTRPGs! Complete adventure, village & valley setting. The ancient Dwarven city of Shun-Zin lies beneath the valley, and it's up to your players to find it, explore, loot, and defeat the dark forces that threaten the region of Argen!

Looks like an interesting and solid module for your 5E/OSE sessions. If you like such climates, check it out! 

Fox Curio's Floating Bookshop:

This game was created out of longing for a peaceful place where the seasons dictate your daily goings-about and your main goal is to sell books. It is a game where you are in touch with nature and feel at peace with the world.

What a nice change from all those dark games like ours. It captivates me and I want to try it.

...and that's it! 

Hope that there is something interesting for all of you. I could not write about every other project that seemed cool too, so be sure to scroll through this year's Cinequest on KS and find some little treasures for us, you can link them in the comments! 

2000$ reached!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 08, 2022 at 02:12:53 PM

Hi! Another day, another update! We just reached 2000$ and are quite close to a 1000% funding score. For the first Kickstarter ever, that is a blast for us! Thank you!
The new stretch goal got unlocked: The Bestiary of LOOR.
We will introduce some freakish monsters to fight against for you!
Apart from that, we created a convenient monster generator for swift use during your bizarre campaigns in LOOR.
Oh, and last but not least: we will implement our crossover goal with the WORLDBREAKER team, as bonus content for both zines! (more monsters!)

about 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 03:56:19 AM

It happened so quickly! Yesterday I published an update on unlocking more art by Łukasz, and we teased a little about our next goal. Today it's real. The Lands of LOOR is getting it's own music. It will be an ambiance soundtrack, and its contents depend on our final funding score. So bring your friends and do the mess! 

Karol, our composer will love it! 

about 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 05, 2022 at 01:15:04 PM

Hell yeah! We got this! 

Thanks to you, OSR freaks, our illustrator Łukasz Piwiński will create additional artwork for our project, it's gonna be radiant and crazy as funk! 

Our next destination, MUSIC

We know, how many of you enjoy listening to climatic ambiance during your RPG sessions. We like it too. So we contacted Karol Osman, a talented composer from Kraków to make a dark soundtrack for our game. He is very excited about this cooperation, so if you like such additions - make him happy! Tell your friends and your grandma about The Lands of Loor and prepare for a weird and dense atmosphere. 

This goal is a little different from others - the more we raise during this campaign, the more music Karol is going to compose. So I am really serious, tell your grandma!