
The Lands of Loor

Created by The Lands of Loor

The Lands of Loor is a standalone fantasy tabletop role-playing game set in the weird post-apocalyptic world. After the successful campaign on Kickstarter during the ZineQuest 4, our game is finally available for all to Pre-order! Check out the special offer for all of those who missed our initial campaign and be one of the first to venture into these doomed lands...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Lands of Loor - Genesis
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 06:42:51 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Development update #3
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 11:05:09 AM

Hi folks! :)

Thanks for your patience once again! It seems that smaller yet more regular updates are not my kind of thing, but I will try to switch to that formula anyway. For now, here is a more collective update on the project.

Today we are going to talk about the following:

  • Project development status
  • Our progress
  • Communication & feedback
  • Samples of content
  • Ideas and improvements
  • Game elements
All races of LOOR have known herbalism for centuries, but none mastered it to perfection as Oozers...

 As you have already read in the last backers-only update #2, our schedule for the upcoming months has changed a bit. We are doing our best to meet your expectations, and at the moment, we are not making any further changes in this aspect.  

In the current stage of development, we are highly focused on the translation process and additional system testing. The translation is more challenging and prolonged than we initially thought, but we believe the effort will pay off. We want to create a product that not only has the best quality but is pleasant to read all over the world. That is why we are reading, correcting, and reshaping texts repeatedly. Our workflow with Christopher is not obstructed by any means, so we expect the layout/book design stage to start early in December. Tests, on the other hand, are going smoothly and keep bringing essential changes in the core mechanics. We aim to show you fully playable and enjoyable mechanical solutions and want them to be flaw-free. We understand that this is nearly impossible for a team as small as ours - but we are going to begin open testing as soon as possible, and we hope you will help us achieve that! 

 To sum things up: 

  • additional text writing and editing (mainly for unlocked stretch goals): ~60%
  • text after the first correction (all): ~70%
  • translated text (all): ~50%
  • translated text after the second correction (all): ~25%

The layout will be added in the next major update.

In the deep desert, there is a small city-state known as Two Horns. Its residents are brave warriors who consider duels an art.

As we already informed about, there is a backers-only LOOR group on Facebook. If you are a backer and you wish, come and visit us there (links are in your KS inbox). It will make us happy to share some cool stuff with you earlier. The first raw text about the LOOR is already there and will soon be posted here. We would be blasted to hear your opinion on it! The next ones are double-checked right now and on the way (for example, about Dwarfs)!

Within about two weeks, you will be able to read all the Loor race's texts, and after that, we will send our creative-backers special templates to use. Reading the samples will be recommended then because we really want you to soak in the Loor atmosphere before you (creative-backers) come out with ideas to implement to the Extended Cut. 

Times of false prophets and entropic cults have returned. Some say another fall of the world is inevitably coming...

Our team is constantly rethinking quite a lot of fundamental issues with the zines. The contents of the zines expanded, mainly in the Extended Cut. Today we are not sure about the format that we decided earlier to go for. The thing is, A5 size, as it is very handy, is not convenient to read (columns, tables) as we expected. We know that there are many outstanding A5 RPG books, and designing the zine like this is very doable. We are just unsure if it matches our specific expectations. Before the layouts, we will discuss possible formats alternatives holistically. For example, there is B5 size, but we must consider that not everywhere B5 is the same, and DTRPG has its own size pool. Let us know what your favorite RPG book size is; we value your opinion and will take it into account, surely!

 Above, you can check out three samples of full-color drawings for The Lands of Loor. Łukasz Piwiński is doing all the art for our zine so that it will be quite a stunning, funky piece of art. Łukasz will also draw our dedicated character sheet, and we are so excited about it. We have designed the layout, but it is too early to show it. What I can reveal is that it is going to be ferociously bloody \m/. 

 We recently informed you that we will implement The Encounter Packs into the zine. These will be separate materials to use when needed. This improvement will make The Lands of Loor handier and much more replayable, as there will be more encounters than the book could ever fit. We think there is a broader field for similar changes. Maybe we could expand them into "a sort of" Adventure Packs and add to them, for example, a bunch of entropic mutations? Today there are over 170 random mutations, and that is a chunk of text to read through - we think it would be easier to have about six mutations of each type for a single adventure. Please share your thoughts on that!

Sandor, the blood mage.

Today we want to show you the first Villain of Loor - Sandor.

His gaze is needle-piercing and ice-calm. He and his followers plot against the local folk. Although violence is not his domain, he will stop at nothing to achieve his obscure goals. He craves blood enriched with pure entropy, which pulses in the veins of people like you. What he seeks is the answer to becoming, at last, immortal and more powerful than ever.

In The Lands of Loor there are seven unique Villains. Everyone with his own backstory, features, and evil plans that involve the players' characters. We want Villains to be an impactful part of the game, so we decided to link them with the game mechanics, not just the story. Choosing the main "bad guy" before the game will introduce new twists that can shake some things around in the critical moments of the session.   

We hope that you like what we presented to you today! 

As always, we encourage you to leave a comment or two!

Have a nice weekend and take care,


Development update #2
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 03:42:10 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Development update #1
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 06:51:25 AM

Hi everyone!

It's been a while since we finished our campaign. Time for news!

We are constantly working to create more and more content for our game.  There is a lot to do but things go as we have planned, so everything is on the right track. Our current work isn’t the most spectacular; we continue meetings, have a lot of brainstorms, and focus on new content for the goals that you have unlocked during the campaign.

Our internal system testing is intense and is going to include the hex-map mechanics, that will be released for our game. Every subsequent day is full of new ideas that we analyse and implement into the game, such as a load of new random encounters for the map’s hex-tiles.

Our artist, Łukasz Piwiński, is intensively drawing new art for our Zines. We are very happy about the results of his hard work and we cannot help ourselves not to show you some of his wonderful creations. Below, you can see some fresh artwork of the races that inhabit our vast world. Since you have already seen The Oozers and The Birdfolk of Loor - these are absent here.  

Currently, some of the text is going to the translation stage, and Christopher Niewczas will do his best to deliver material of the highest standard. The remaining part is still being edited and is waiting for the correction process. We know that in such projects as this one, there is a risk of occurring errors - that is why we are going to check everything several times. Our backers will have the opportunity to read and check the early versions of the zine way before it goes to the retail and printing stage. 

Additionally, we are happy to inform you that our composer, Karol Osman, has started production of the official soundtrack for our game. Soon we will share samples of his work and we can't wait to hear your feedback about the music!

Since the realization of some content parts requires joining efforts between us and our backers, those who picked the cooperative, creative rewards will soon receive a special message through the e-mail and KS itself. We suggest checking your inbox (+ spam folders) in a day or two. In case there is any problem, and someone didn't receive a message before the end of the week, feel free to contact us at any time. We will respond as soon as we can.

We are so excited to create the content for The Lands of Loor together with you!

It will be a blast, for sure!

That is all for today. Let us know what you think about the newest drawings! Which of them do you like the most?

/LOOR team.

about 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 01:17:55 AM

We are so happy! There are 740 of you, that backed our project, and made it possible to release it in the near future! During the last battle, we unlocked yet another stretch goal! Fantastic! 

Our team wants to thank you all and CONGRATULATE you! This is our collective success, and we are so grateful for your support. 

Now, it is our turn to make it an excellent product. We will keep on informing you about the development of the game in the upcoming updates. So, stay tuned! 

And if you didn't read the previous ones, here are some picks:

Sneak peek of the Underworld Supplement and some work-in-progress art from Łukasz

A little tease of the Hederia: Nightmare From The Woods 

Introduction to the Frizenland, our first Land Supplement 

