
The Lands of Loor

Created by The Lands of Loor

The Lands of Loor is a standalone fantasy tabletop role-playing game set in the weird post-apocalyptic world. After the successful campaign on Kickstarter during the ZineQuest 4, our game is finally available for all to Pre-order! Check out the special offer for all of those who missed our initial campaign and be one of the first to venture into these doomed lands...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Development update #9 [Cults & Beliefs]
12 months ago – Wed, Oct 04, 2023 at 12:46:34 PM

Hi all! 

Thanks for being here and for all the kind support under the last update - you are truly amazing.

During the recent month, I decided to revisit the text for the additional chapter of the book, Cults & Beliefs, and with help from Christopher, we prepared it for the full release. 

There will be at least seven unique religions or cults described in the rulebook for you to incorporate during your adventures.  Most of them expand the lore behind certain races of Loor, such as Crusters, Dwarfs, Elves, or Cavians. Some add extra context to the world itself, e.g. to the entropic mutations, shattered moon, technology, and more.

Today I want to share with you a fragment about The Marvellous Whale, Cruster's deity of the hunt.


"On the distant roaming islands of Hohonu, a local religion emerged, rooted in The Customs of the Sea. Once a distinctive tremor shakes the isles, the inhabiting Crusters set out on a perilous journey, during which many of them will eventually perish. The adventurers compete with one another in a ferocious hunt for the most terrible of sea monsters. Cruster sailors believe that adorning their armour with sacred symbols grants good fortune, as well as favourable winds during hunting expeditions. The obtained trophies are then offered as a sacrifice to the deity of the hunt, the Marvellous Whale – a majestic being from ancient legends. Its followers claim that the mighty beast dwells in the depths of the sea, and it resurfaces once in a while not only to breathe fresh air but also to absorb the pure moonlight. According to the lore, its skin glisters like polished steel, and its crystal eyes beam with a mysterious glare. The beast’s enormous maw spews fire, which consumes anything that dares to approach its brassy embodiment. "

The Marvellous

"The tales about its existence may seem unlike, but there’ll always be a handful of fanatical Crusters, daredevils seeking to bask in the glory, that will recklessly attempt to hunt their deity. For there is no greater honour for the Islander than facing the indomitable power of the metallic beast. Many have tried to immortalise their names by challenging it, but very few came back from the search for this undersea legend. As of yet, no one has proven to confront the Marvellous face to face, albeit plenty of thrill-seekers claim they did. Undaunted by the futile endeavours of their predecessors, many arrogant individuals continue to partake in the Sacred Hunt, since the very participation in the festivity is a source of pride and admiration among the Commonwealth."

I hope that you like the idea behind Cruster religion. It is rather simple, but often so are the Crusters. What in fact is the Marvellous Whale, you ask - that's mainly up to your interpretation. Is it one of the powerful, enigmatic Pre-entrops? Or an ancient perpetual machine that somehow survived through the ages? The answer is yet to be uncovered...

In the next update, we will have a closer look at the City-States,  crumbling domains of the last people, whose descendants live today and blend with other peculiar races of Loor.

Take care,


Back on the tracks
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 10:45:23 AM


Today's update is mostly about being transparent about the project and letting everyone (not only KS backers) know more on how things are going.

I know I should have been delivering more by this point. The fact that you've supported Loor is so wonderful, and I don't want to let you down (if you feel that way, I understand). 

I have not met the deadlines that I set for myself and my team - I am taking all responsibility for that. My collaborators are a bunch of great people and I am not disappointed with them. Without them, this project would not exist. 

Whether this is the fault of the situation I found myself in or the decisions I took - it's difficult for me to determine. One thing I know for sure is that I learned so much over the last year; It was a great adventure, and I want it to have a happy ending. As most of you know from previous updates, I have been struggling recently with significant life changes (moving to another city and looking for a new job) and some personal challenges to overcome. Running the project became extremely difficult - which, unfortunately, made staying motivated and keeping up my pace of work impossible - at least it felt that way. I kept telling myself that things would get better soon, hoping that I could finish it if I waited for a little longer and let the situation get stable. It didn't happen (when it looks like it would, something unexpected happens and ruins it completely).

It does not mean that we stopped working on the title. Our team keeps testing the game, expanding the lore, and preparing ideas for the announced expansions. We have developed the Hex Map supplement and an adventure, revisited big parts of the rulebook text, tweaked some mechanics, produced additional artwork, and more - but stuck in limbo with finishing the book itself. I am deeply sorry for that.

Telling myself once again that everything will work itself out somehow...

Today, I do not want to wait for the perfect time and conditions; I decided to change the way I manage the project and I have high hopes for it. Firstly, I want to deliver on my promises and secondly, I want to move forward - don't feel like I'm falling behind with everything around me. The warm words I received privately and in the comments from you really make me feel that it's worth it and I can do it. 

My first task is to deliver to you the updated lite version of the Loor.  After that, we will focus on assembling and completing the material for further chapters, most of it is pre-prepared already, and we have all the full-colour illustrations ready. As I informed you before, I won't make any promises about the new dates, but I can promise that at this moment there is nothing more important to me than getting back on the tracks with releasing The Lands of Loor. 

Thank you,


Development update #8
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 05:25:00 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Orders Locked
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jun 24, 2023 at 04:42:23 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Release date & locking orders - Development update #7
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 23, 2023 at 05:08:26 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.