
The Lands of Loor

Created by The Lands of Loor

The Lands of Loor is a standalone fantasy tabletop role-playing game set in the weird post-apocalyptic world. After the successful campaign on Kickstarter during the ZineQuest 4, our game is finally available for all to Pre-order! Check out the special offer for all of those who missed our initial campaign and be one of the first to venture into these doomed lands...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

THE END IS NEAR! Campaign update.
about 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 03:43:33 PM

Hours to the end of our campaign.

It was a ride, wasn't it? It still is! We believe that the fight for the last goals isn't over!

You can still contribute a lot to the final score! Even if you already backed our project. Invite your fellow RPG friends to join our bizarre journey!   

Cruster and Human - work in progress

We are working hard to make sure the contents of the game are ready when the time comes. This includes the three expansions that you have unlocked during this campaign. There is a lot of work to do, but as we indicated in the description, a significant part of the Zine is already developed. We will share some chunks of it in the upcoming weeks. Above you see some fresh sketches from Łukasz Piwiński for our game. Neat! 

Entropy is almost an omnipresent force in the world of Loor. It is widely feared of, but by some admired...

The saturation of its presence is uneven. Where the lunar shards fall, there are places of enormous entropy's spread. Its essence breaks reality with ease. When it does, fundamental rules are no longer valid, and everything can happen. Horrors from the darkest nightmares, odd singularities, vivid miracles...

...but there are some who have no fear in their hearts, and they are to extract these powerful lunar vessels. Guardians wearing special armours, crafted from very rare fossils. 

Thousands of years before, those lands were inhabited by gigantic beetles. Now their ancient shells are being reforged into a new extraordinary material: chitinum. It protects its bearers from the bizarre and horrific effects of entropy. 

There is not much chitinum left, it is because the main ingredient has some wonderful qualities and is exceptionally demanded by the bourgeoisie of this world.

Strange creatures live in the depths of the underworld.

There are rumors about the other world. Deep below the surface vast caverns stay unexplored for ages. Some decent travellers claim that they know where the secret passage is located, and are willing to share their knowledge for a price.

Will you dare to follow these leads, and enter the maze of the underground world?    

3300%! Another milestone goal!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 03:30:00 PM

It is happening! 

Today we want to keep it short: Awesome news!

Our next and awaited stretch goal got unlocked, which means that all three of the Land Supplements will be included as a free reward to the Extended Cut tier pledge. 

Each of them (they will be 15+ page brochures), will include a unique region description, a new and playable race, some extra mechanics, and a short adventure to start playing in these "mini-settings" within the world of LOOR.

Tomorrow we will post our last big update before the end of our campaign!

Tell your friends and your grandma about The Lands of LOOR! It is the last chance to get this stuff with bonus content and contribute to the next goals, like "more outstanding artwork from Łukasz Piwiński".  

"More art? Hell yeah! "- the Infamous Sorcerer

2000% Funded! Campaign News!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 01:46:36 AM

"Welcome traveller! Are you lost? 

I'm afraid there are no more safe settlements to the west of here. You can rest for the night in the old shed, that's all I can offer. The water in the rivulet is clean. You can drink it and wash yourself if you like.  But be careful and lock the doors tightly before dusk comes. Strange things have been occurring recently. There are rumours about awful creatures from the woods.  It is said that HE has returned, the infamous sorcerer who once ruled these hills. He wants to take revenge and for this very purpose, he awakened the ancient evil hidden in his den..."

Our team is thrilled to announce that we’ve reached 2000% of the initial goal. We think that it is an excellent result for the first Kickstarter ever, even though a few of us have had some previous crowdfunding experience. This is entirely your achievement and we are honoured by your tremendous support. Thanks!

So, where are we at? We have some big news for you.  

Thanks to you, the second Expansion (another Land Supplement, as we call them), Hederia: Nightmare from the woods has already been unlocked! Hell yeah!  

In terms of the amount of content, it will be comparable to Frizenland, a supplement that we’ve described in one of the previous updates. That means it will include a new playable race, region description, short adventure, its own old-school illustrations, and more. 

We will talk about it more soon.

Preentrops have no qualms about influencing the wicked ones.

Since this is our first campaign, we have made some decisions intuitively, and most of them were good.  But there is always room for improvement and making the campaign more exciting! We are looking forward to increasing the value of the rewards we offer. Two of the three expected expansions have already been unlocked, which is truly excellent. We want the very end of this campaign to be engaging and we aim to give you a “fair fight” for the next stretch goals. That is why we’ve given the thresholds a more realistic, and final, shape:

We believe that this decision will benefit the whole campaign and the product, that we want to deliver.  

Let us know what you think and remember, threads of fate are to be changed!

1700% Funded! "Calm before storm" update.
about 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 04:44:27 AM

1700% of our initial funding goal is achieved! 

While we keep successively climbing closer and closer to our next stretch goal, The Second Expansion (less than $350 left for unlocking it!), nice things are happening around us.

We want to promote good content and believe that our hobby is based on openness and mutual support. That is why we present you with another handful of interesting projects, and our native Polish accent is on top of it! There will be plenty of time to talk more about our game so don't you worry, folks! :)

We encourage you to look at and read about this cool stuff below:

Beyond Corny Groń - Adventurer's Guide.

First of all, the ongoing project from the fellow Polish RPG creator, Kuba Skurzyński's Beyond Corny Groń - Adventurer's Guide. This is something, and I really hope that you check it out:

This is a sandbox adventure setting in a world heavily inspired by legends from the Polish mountains, folk songs of bold highwaymen, and romantic tales about Hidden Things;

The purpose of writing the Guide is to capture and present Polish legends, folklore, and the mood of the Tatra and the Carpathian Mountains, with a proper dose of weirdness, whimsy, and adventure in the form of TTRPG material;

Art by Ala Wiśniewska

To support these efforts, visit the Nerd Sirens shop and buy an already-made and finely printed game, Corny Groń, a solo RPG set among the mountains, where the Guide will lead you very soon. It will be sent it to you right away. Profits from the sale will be spent for illustrations, editing, design, and English translation of the Guide;

If, for some reason, you don’t want the printed solo game, or you want to check it out before buying—Corny Groń can be found on the Nerd Sirens, where you can also pay for the digital version as much as you think is right. The profits from this sale will also contribute to the budget for the "sandbox" Guide.

The Guide will contain:

  • a mountain map generator
  • tables for random places and encounters
  • descriptions of folks, creatures, legends, and factions.

At the moment, the Guide is about 430,000 characters of descriptions, tables, and statistics tailored for use with OSRs (Knave, OSE) and games similar to D&D.

This Ship Is a Tomb

"This Ship Is a Tomb is a 72+ page derelict crawl through a massive vessel that changes as you explore. Designed for the Mothership sci-fi horror RPG, this module was inspired by stories like Event Horizon, the reavers of Firefly/Serenity, the borg of Star Trek, and of course the Alien franchise.

We’re calling This Ship Is a Tomb a derelict-crawl, but what is that? Think dungeon crawl in a derelict ship. But Advent Dawn isn’t an ordinary ship anymore. The malevolent forces within reshape the ship every time it is encountered."

"In game terms, the derelict is procedurally generated. This Ship Is a Tomb uses randomly-rolled Locations, Details, and Encounters to create the derelict as you go. Wardens can roll at the table, let their players roll, or roll in advance. No matter your method, This Ship will surprise you and your players at every turn, with more than 18 unique locations, details and creatures."

Knives Out — for MÖRK BORG

"Knives Out is a zine designed by Greyson Yandt for MÖRK BORG (created under their generous third-party license) that features way too many knives, a side of rapiers and fencing rules, a seedy tavern (called the Rouge Rogue) that's home to an underground enclave of rogues, a handful of jobs that should be done with discretion, a detective class that doesn't believe in luck or fate, and a huge heist (written by Tessa Lyne of Sailing Fox Press!) to steal the crown of a time-lost mad king! And more."

"The zine itself is 32+ pages of content, A5 in size, in full color, has too many fonts, is full of art by dead people, and contains all of that good MÖRK BORGiness!"

Seventh Moon Adventures - A collection of RPG Zines for 5e 

"These adventures are designed for three to seven characters and range from 3rd-7th Level. Each adventure contains background lore, and all three pillars of play! Each adventure takes place in the Seventh Moon setting in the world of Celia but are also designed in a way to be used in any fantasy campaign setting."

Tales from the Dungeon - Monsters - RPG Zine

"The theme for this issue is Monsters! Inside you will find 28+ A5-sized pages filled with vile,deadly, and exciting monsters and encounters you can drop into your adventures!

This issue features,

  • Several grizzly, terrifying, and "out of this world" monsters
  • Monster specific loot
  • "Monstrous Death" Generator
  • Custom artwork, unique concepts, and vintage fun for the modern gamer!

Tales from the Dungeon is a 5e compatible zine that is heavily inspired by gritty RPG art, classic sword and sorcery films, and fantastical mythology! We strive to fill each issue with unique and incredible ideas and art to inspire your RPG world!"

The Last Three Witches

"If you want a six-session adventure during October (Halloween week), The Last Three Witches, will provide you a harrowing lair with a Halloween themed story, monsters, ghosts, and... You will go after three powerful witches and restore the power sapphires.

This campaign includes a six-session 5E dnd adventure (LVL 5) with high-resolution maps and three tilemap sets: jungle, mountain, and castle. You can also name the important characters and locations or become one of the three powerful witches."

If you want to be a part of this witch hunt and help save the kingdom, check it out.

And that's all for now ZineQuesters, stay tuned and sharp because there is something strange in the air, and we know that it does not herald anything good for the people of the Loor... 

It's getting big!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 04:44:47 AM

Hi traveller! Welcome to update 13. 

We are halfway through! You have already unlocked a total of 13 additional goals that will expand our game, even more - making it a much more interesting and complete creation. We are so grateful for all of the trust you have given us! 

One of the stretch goals unlocked is the first expansion - Frizenland. We described it earlier in the previous update, read about it if you didn't! Thanks to that, our campaign is the best opportunity to get this funky stuff at a very good price. The value of content has risen, and it continues to! <your favourite heavy metal riff>  

From the beginning, we decided that we were not doing it for the big money (our low funding goal is no secret). This is our way during this year's ZineQuest and others that will come. But thanks to your support, our Zine will be full of what's good & whimsy. We can now commission more illustrations of Łukasz Piwiński, and that's just awesome! (The rest of the team gets more too! If not for their hard work, we wouldn't be in the place we are now. )
The last goal unlocked is exactly that,  more artwork for the first Land Supplement - Frizenland! 


No time for sleep folks! We are now fighting for another big goal, The second expansion: Hederia

Its name was created from a Latin word, but no more spoilers on that! 

While our composer, Karol Osman is developing the ambiance concepts for our game, you can check out what I assembled - a little playlist, which will help you get in "the mood". The atmosphere of LOOR is unique, and great music can emphasize it a lot.  So here it is:

Click me!

We are about to hit that 300 backers (34 to go!), so if you like our project, share it, talk about it and show it to your grandma! :D
